Marburg 2023 Equatorial Guinea Outbreak

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17 confirmed and 23 probable cases as of 2023-04-18

Figure 1: Number of cumulative confirmed and probable cases by date of onset. Where date of onset is not available, it is estimated from the date of first consult/hospitalisation or date of death, by shifting the value by the delay distribution mean. Only cases where date of onset is known or can be estimated are shown.
Figure 2: Number of cumulative confirmed and probable cases stratified by district. Date of onset is estimated when not available as in Figure 1. Only cases where date of onset is known or can be estimated and have a corresponding district are shown.
Figure 3: Age and gender distribution of Marburg 2023 confirmed cases in Equatorial Guinea. 59% of confirmed cases include sufficient metadata to be included in this figure. When reported age ranges span multiple age categories, counts are evenly distributed among the categories that capture the reported age range.
Figure 4: Delay distributions from date of symptom onset A) Between onset and first consult B) Between onset and death. Only includes cases that have both date of onset and either date of first consult (A) or date of death (B).

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